Museer på Ærø
Photo: Maria Fynsk Norup
På Ærø finder du seks museer med oplevelser for alle aldre. Deres Ærø-fokus er forskelligt, men traditioner, fællesskab og autenticitet er centrale omdrejningspunkter for dem alle.
Ærø Museum
Explore Ærøskøbing's beautiful old bailiff's house from 1775 and learn more about Ærø's unique history.
Marstal Maritime Museum
Visiting Marstal Maritime Museum is like a journey through Danish maritime history from the 1600s up until today.
The Old Shipyard
The Old Shipyard is a conveyor of maritime heritage and Danish craft traditions.
Hammerich's House
Hammerichs Hus is a real time warp in the centre of Ærøskøbing. Here you'll find low-ceilinged living rooms, nooks and crannies and lots of atmosphere.